Laura Caetano
Around X was a collective project between 6 friends (5 artists and 1 curator) that resulted in a party, a one month residency and an exhibition at Pavilhão 31, a pavilion in the Júlio de Matos psychiatric hospital complex in Lisbon. A project that lasted a year of dinners, studio visits, nights of conversations, visions and ideas over beers. All pieces were produced in the space of one month in situ. The pieces occupied all parts of the space, walls, floor and ceiling, as they grew in the corners and on top of each other, as we did. The resulting exhibition was a celebration of differences, similarities, madness, excitement and friendship as we encouraged each other to make. The piece “Anteprimavera do canto / Forespring in the corner”, a 2 meter sheet of latex hung in the middle of the space, was made on the floor, through painted layers of latex, oil paint and detriments from the ceiling that fell whenever a plane flew by. Due to the transparency of the material the piece contains two images: one that was created through the accumulation of those painted layers and the other that was left behind, visible on the other side.
Not worth building houses if they don't make good ruins
Around X
Objects for the creation of silence
Photographs by Alcino Gonçalves.
Anteprimavera de canto
oil, paper and grafite on latex
172x123 cm
Reflexo na armadura I and II
oil on latex
13x18 cm and 13,5x18,5 cm
Extracção do nome
oil on canvas
225x165 cm
Antes a noite lacerada I-IV
oil and grafite on raw canvas
4 x (80x80 cm)